This initiative is offered through the Municipal Asset Management Program, which is delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and funded by the Government of Canada.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome and Course Overview

  • 2

    FCM Pre Course Requirements

    • SOTIR - Letter Of Commitment

    • Assessing your community using FCM’s Asset Management Readiness Scale

    • How to fill In and submit your AMRS Assessment

    • SOTIR - Take the Pre Course AMRS assessment

  • 3


    • Purpose of the Course

    • The What and the Why of the Asset Register

    • No Asset Register?

    • Course Outline

    • Quick Example

    • References and Requirements

    • The Asset Register Quiz

  • 4

    Accessing your Asset Register & State of the Infrastructure Report

    • How To Access Support

    • Introduction to Google Workspace

    • Copying your SOTIR for use

    • Copying Sample Data for use

    • Participant Progress and Troubleshooting Survey - Chapter 4

  • 5

    Preparing your Asset Register & SOTIR

    • Introduction and Saving Source Data to Google Drive

    • Introduction to the Asset Register Sheet

    • Copying Data to Your Asset Register

    • Budget Information

    • Initial Review

    • Benefits of the Asset Register & SOTIR to Rate Payers and Council

    • Participant Progress and Troubleshooting Survey - Chapter 5

  • 6

    Refining your Asset Register & SOTIR

    • Filtering to One Asset Class

    • Adding and Removing Assets

    • Asset Segments: Basic Description

    • Splitting From - To Data

    • Physical Data

    • Introduction to Current Replacement Cost

    • Current Replacement Cost - Approach #1 - Inflated Values

    • Current Replacement Cost - Approach #2 - Unit Rates

    • Year Acquired

    • Useful Life

    • Condition Rating

    • Budget Information

    • Review & Revise

    • Participant Progress and Troubleshooting Survey - Chapter 6

  • 7

    Climate Considerations

    • Introduction to Climate Considerations in the SOTIR

    • Hands on Walkthrough

    • Linking Hazards to Specific Assets

  • 8

    Outputs & Next Steps

    • Outputs

    • Next Steps

    • Participant Progress Survey - Chapter 8

  • 9

    Course Wrap Up

    • Thanks for joining us

    • SOTIR - Your Post Course AMRS assessment

    • Required FCM Participant Evaluation - SOTIR

  • 10

    Standalone SOTIR Download

    • Standalone Excel-Based SOTIR